Home: What Does It Mean to You? is a creative writing resource pack for Year 5 primary school pupils, developed by poet and writer, Pauline Rowe, and the team at Open Eye Gallery. The pack uses five photographs from contemporary Ukrainian photographers to encourage pupils to respond creatively to visual images through stories, poems, lyrics and letters.

The pack includes seven PDF files – a colourful presentation for the classroom, guidance notes about the pack, and five black-and-white printable activity worksheets for pupils. Download the pack here.

The pack is designed to encourage pupils to think about alternative ways of defining ‘home’ : as a feeling, a place, an identity, or through experiences of being with friends and family. It is inspired by contemporary Ukrainian photography, in keeping with the same theme.

The photographs featured in this pack can be viewed in galleries, independent venues, and public spaces throughout May 2023. Spot our diptychs of Ukrainian photography with words by leading UK poets in public spaces, and collect fundraising postcards in trails of independent venues across the city.

More information here.

Send in your submissions!

Open Eye Gallery would love to see the stories, poems, lyrics and drawings created in response to this activity pack. If you would like to share these to feature on the Digital Window Gallery, please send the following to home@openeye.org.uk by 21st July 2023:

• Pupil’s first name, age and name of school
• Good quality image of the work (JPEG or PNG files)

Please ensure that no personal or sensitive information is included in the images. Submissions will be displayed on our Digital Window Gallery in the atrium space of Open Eye Gallery until September 2023. For any more general enquiries, please
contact the email address above.

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