To celebrate Chinese New Year, the University of Liverpool Confucius Institute will host a family activity event at the Victoria Gallery and Museum on the Saturday 28 January 2023 from 11:00pm – 3:00pm.

The aim of this event is to promote friendly exchange between China and the UK, and for the Liverpool community to have fun learning about Chinese culture.

Activities will include traditional Chinese dance, a Chinese game called ‘pitch-pot’, paper-cutting, origami, and Chinese calligraphy. So, please come along and make some beautiful Chinese art to take home with you!

Chinese Dance (跳舞):

Dance (tiao wu) has a long history in China. Performing or watching traditional dances is a popular way for people to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Pitch-pot (投壶):

Pitch-pot (tou hu) is a traditional game in China which involves throwing arrows or sticks into a large pot from a distance. It was probably invented by soldiers during the Warring States period of Ancient China, over 2,000 years ago! Today, pitch-pot is a popular game for Chinese children to play.

Paper Cutting (剪纸):

Paper cutting (jian zhi) is a popular activity in China, especially during Chinese New Year. Red paper is usually used, and the most popular depictions created are of Chinese characters and Chinese zodiac animals like the rabbit or the tiger.

Origami (折纸):

Chinese origami (zhe zhi) is very similar to the Japanese art form. It involves folding paper into the shapes of animals or objects.

Calligraphy (书法):

Calligraphy (shu fa) is a popular and highly respected art form in China. It involves stylised writing using high-quality paper and delicate brushstrokes.

Event Date: Saturday 28th January 2023

Location: Victoria Gallery & Museum

Categories: Chinese New Year

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