My Black History is a project developed to work with schools and young people in the city region to explore family lineage, migration, culture, Black empowerment and building communities. It is a stand alone project which will platform the voices of young Black and Global Majority people. Across two phases, learners will explore their lineage from a personal perspective. Black History can feel really distant, but it’s also really personal!
During phase 1, 20 Stories High will deliver workshops in schools with learners of all ethnicities about racial harmony and community building.
Phase 2 will see learners from the Global Majority be invited to two workshops hosted by Ameera Conrad and Brodie Arther to explore their own history through various art forms including poetry, song, visual arts, and more. These histories will be audio recorded and made available online, with a digital map to be a visual representation about how the stories connect to Liverpool and each other.
You never have to look far to find amazing stories. Some of them might be closer than you think.
Event Date: Sunday 1st October 2023 - Tuesday 31st October 2023
Categories: Black History Month | Digital | Liverpool | Online