‘Liverpool Calling – And the Results Are In’ was a special one-day event at ACC Liverpool on Thursday 26 October that revisited the city’s Eurovision journey and celebrated what was achieved.
3.25pm – 4.15pm: Visitor Economy hosted by The Guide (Session 7)
During this session attendees discovered how the public and private sectors worked together on the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool and why this partnership was integral to its success, along with how influential strategic partnerships are for the future. Attendees also heard the latest on the Liverpool City Regions’ Local Visitor Economy Partnership and how the Destination Management Organisations model impacts the aspirations of the city.
Hosted by Gemma Cutting – Presenter, The Guide
Susan Finnegan – Acting Head of Visitor Economy, Marketing Liverpool
Bill Addy – CEO, Liverpool BID Company
Patricia Yates – CEO, VisitBritain
Maria Panayi – Music Marketing Lead, TikTok Europe, Africa & Middle East
Graham Russell – Chief Executive, AMION Consulting