Brought to you by the University of Liverpool, Liverpool Confucius Institute and Everyman & Playhouse Theatres.

Traditional Chinese painting demonstration, painting chrysanthemums

Calligraphy demonstration of Chinese characters from primary scriptures of Taoism (黄庭经) (Huang ting jing), written by the famous calligrapher Xizhi Wang

Calligraphy demonstration of Chinese characters 厚德载物(hou de zai wu) which means “Have Ample Virtue and Carry All Things”

Fan Dance demonstration ‘First Sight’ ‘初见’

‘First sight’ is a Chinese Fan Dance, its origins rooted in the Han Dynasty, which dates to around 200 AD. The Han Dynasty was the first to value and preserve the arts, which is probably why fan dancing is still popular today. It has been passed down from generations as more of a familial tradition than a studio-focused style of dance.

Photo Credit: Jen Bruce

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