Everyman & Playhouse: A Lovely Word

Poetry and words are not prevented by distance. In this time of great need, poetry can give us a brief respite and a chance to all come together, in a shared space.

Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse Theatres bring you A Lovely Word: Online. Starting with a Facebook Live event.

Date & Time: Please note, this event took place on Thursday 2 April. If you missed this performance you can now watch the recorded livestream via Facebook or below:


Royal Court Liverpool present Jigsy, starring Les Dennis

Lurching unsteadily off-stage at a Liverpool working men’s club – sweat, smoke and failure clinging to his faded 70s dinner suit – Jigsy is a journeyman variety comedian, struggling for survival in a modern world that has left him far behind. The bright lights of tv fame that transformed the careers of many of his contemporaries are flickering on a distant horizon. Talking directly to the audience, Jigsy reviews his life, the ups and downs, mostly the latter. Jigsy is a one-man play that gives a glimpse into the earthy heartland of Northern comedy, and also connects with the social history of Liverpool, the spirit of Scouse, and the meaning of life. It’s a struggle, and then you die. ‘Still you have to laugh, don’t you?’

Jigsy was originally performed at Royal Court Liverpool in 2012, following a successful run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It was loved by audiences and critics, picking up excellent reviews across the board. Watch the performance below via the Royal Court’s Youtube channel.

National Theatre at Home

Featuring some of the biggest, well known stars to grace the stage, a selection of National Theatre Live productions will be available to watch for free on YouTube, every Thursday at 7pm.

Head to National Theatre’s YouTube channel to see what the latest production is and view the performance.

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