MAPFEST (Musical Attack-Against Poverty) presents a fundraising show with a brilliant variety of music, dance, comedy, fashion and more.
MAPFEST “embraces emerging, differently able artists and fully established musical artists. At the same time, giving room to equality, diversity, recognition, inclusion and fairness.”
The extravaganza will feature a fashion show with four leading Liverpool-based fashion houses Zenobia Ethical, Seven Streets, Janice Charles and Dionne Dacosta. There will also be dance performances from MD Productions and Afro Dance Academy, and entertainment from comedian Gary Skyner.
The event aims to harness the power of music and performing arts in order to raise awareness for charities, sparking positive transformations in our communities.
This event will be raising funds for three Liverpool charities: Zoe’s Place, The Whitechapel Centre and An Hour For Others.
Performers will include Daisy Gill, Afrika Fuentes, Fraya Orfeome, and the Wavertree Choir.
Promoted by LSFH (Leading Support For Humanity).
Event Date: Saturday 8th June 2024
Location: The Tung Auditorium
Categories: 2024 | Arts | Comedy | Dance | Digital | Fashion | Festival