Rock gently, turn slowly, help push the boat… and listen to the LIFE BOAT alphabet. Make conversation with fellow travellers and crew. Sit with Death and stare at HOPE in the mirror… Then post your forecast for the future in the Ship’s Log…

The ICD Life Boat is about slowness, kindness and gentleness. It is about getting your bearings whilst rocking gently and looking at the world from a slowly changing point of view.

The structure is a 6 metre long timber keel with four rib sections. It forms the skeleton of a small boat. Canvas hammocks are strung between each of the rib sections. The boat turns in very slow circles. It is a contemplative ride destined to create a beautiful and engaging atmosphere in cities, festival settings and other locations…

When: Saturday and Sunday
Where: Parker Street / Church Street
Time: 10am – 5pm

Event Date: Saturday 26th May 2018 - Sunday 27th May 2018

Categories: #Liverpool2018 | Arts | Family | Free | Liverpool

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